Sejauh Aku Mampu
Friday, December 15, 2006
Indonesian Television
I was really shocked when I watched the television in my home. It was still like in the past, there were still many violences, horors, illogical religious dramas and many gossips which were evelved in every time I watch the television. I was so bored in watching TV,and it is better not to watch it. Wow.....When can I get the better quality of what I watch here?

I am sure I don't exaggerate. It isn't because I never watch television in NTU, but it is a must for the television world to really improve the quality of the people and what I saw here is still far from that quality.

posted by -ian- @ 1:53 PM  
  • At 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Welcome back home ;)

    Yeah you can see now why Indonesians somehow still stuck in "developing (yet under -one) country" level.

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Name: -ian-
Home: Nanyang Crescent, Boon Lay, Singapore
About Me: When everything changes, I wanna still stay there calmly, and wait for the right time. I am surrounded by so called "radical" dreams. I don't know whether it is a form of idealism of a youth. But, be a doctor was my dream, but Physics came into me. ITB was my dream, but He gave NTU for me. Currently, I wanna be a high school teacher, researcher, journalist, writer, businessman, also want to study abroad again. It is unclear but it is fair. As far as I can, because I can jump higher as a true worshiper, as a true believer. Let me be a clay oh God, form me as You want.
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