Sejauh Aku Mampu
Saturday, August 04, 2007
I Can't Write
I don't know why I can't write, I mean I don't have any idea as the topic to be written. Is it because of the long holiday that makes me lazy to think. Ehm..reading is the best idea, I think. But, reading is still so confusing. I also can't concentrate my mind on it.

PS : I am still squatting (wanna change the status by the legal one by monday)


posted by -ian- @ 11:27 AM  
  • At 11:02 AM, Blogger Vina Revi said…

    take it easy, bro!

  • At 4:28 PM, Blogger Manda La Mendol said…

    Tenang Ian... kalau aku bosen aku pergi mancing. Coba deh

  • At 3:22 PM, Blogger Masyhur said…

    i'd suggest baca yang ringan dan menghibur, i.e bartimaeus trilogy.. :D

  • At 12:46 PM, Blogger Bakhrian said…

    Jalan0jalan dulu deh... pastu seger... nah habis itu... apa yang didapat dari jalan bisa ditulis di blog... betul? hehe

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Name: -ian-
Home: Nanyang Crescent, Boon Lay, Singapore
About Me: When everything changes, I wanna still stay there calmly, and wait for the right time. I am surrounded by so called "radical" dreams. I don't know whether it is a form of idealism of a youth. But, be a doctor was my dream, but Physics came into me. ITB was my dream, but He gave NTU for me. Currently, I wanna be a high school teacher, researcher, journalist, writer, businessman, also want to study abroad again. It is unclear but it is fair. As far as I can, because I can jump higher as a true worshiper, as a true believer. Let me be a clay oh God, form me as You want.
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