Our Dean professor, Alfred who is the Dean of Physics Division, is a spiritful and inspiring figure for us. I myself don't know why there is magic in everytime what he says. Now I know why our physics seniors always say how helpful the lecturers and staff and now I really prove it by myself that even a Dean of Physics has the willing to teach me privately. In this pre-exam period, I have been asked to go to his office to ask the difficult questions. Fortunately, he understood how my weak ability to solve physics problems so he patiently explain the way on how to solve the problems in my tutorials and from textbook. I will meet him again on monday at 5 o'clock. He is such a great professor and what I can learn from him is how we should do care to others even though we should sacrifice our time. I know he is so busy but he gives his time to teach me. Thanks Prof. Huan.
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Kapan ya Indonesia memiliki banyak sosok seperti beliau... kita masih perlu banyak orang seperti itu... yang mau mendedikasikan hidup untuk pendidikan... untuk mendidik bangsa ini menjadi lebih baik lagi.... bukan menjadi koruptor...