Sejauh Aku Mampu
Monday, March 19, 2007
Chords that Bind

As soon as possible, after I graduated from my senior high school, many people came to my life. Meanwhile, only a short time later, many people will leave me easily and I think that will be too early. When we aren't binded into one family and everyone will leave us, the situation will be different. Even if only one of us leave from our community which has been our own family, the atmosphere will change.

Many choir members esp. basses will leave choir and we will meet another new students where I don't know who they are. I still remember yesterday when we sang and talked about many jokes. That was so warm. I don't know why I always miss that situation.

Cintya,Melissa,Pras,Raymond,Dhika,Davin(not sure yet). Hopefully, 8 months with all of you will give a wonderful moment in choir

Okay, time to cry....


posted by -ian- @ 12:57 AM  
  • At 1:13 AM, Blogger aDhiie said…

    jgn nangis dunk
    masa time to cry..haha
    eventhough everyone come and go,
    there is Him, The one who never leave you alone..:)

  • At 11:23 AM, Blogger D-ka said…

    am I leaving?? ><

  • At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    blom tentu pergi.. mgkn jadi "observer".. mgkn jadi "aktivis" .. mgkn jadi "busybody" .. ato yah.. mgkn jg pergi.. blom tau :D hehehhe

  • At 12:06 PM, Blogger .w_womanz. said…

    septian jgn nangis dunk
    wah itu di changing room CJC-PAC kan ya.. huhu skrg adela yg mao nangis.. kangen sama sekolah lamaku yg penuh kenangan. dulu pas gw perform juga di tempat itu.. sama2 nunggu di changing room hehe =p

  • At 4:15 PM, Blogger D-ka said…

    setuju ma raymond ;)

  • At 6:52 PM, Blogger -ian- said…

    @adhie, thanks.... tpi kamu jangan quit ya

    @dka, katanya mau leaving pas kita ngobrol di bus itu ?

    @ raymond, kok raymond bisa tahu blog aku ya ?

    @del, iya del, bagus banget sih skul kamu,,,ada fitnessnya lagi,,,

  • At 2:37 PM, Blogger Rey said…

    Don't worry, I'm still here (sapa elu rey?) hehehe...
    People will come and go in your life, and these people are the ones who will color your life :D

  • At 5:38 PM, Blogger Devi Girsang, MD said…

    What a nice friendship ;)

    Btw..soal titip buku..

    is it possible? Lagi butuh Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine nih.. disini harganya sekitar 600rb-an. Disana lebih murah ga ya? Could you pls do me a favor? Tolong cari tau harganya hehehe..thanks a lot! :D

  • At 7:02 PM, Blogger Nieke,, said…

    duh, memang begitu kan Septian. hidup itu selalu berjalan terus. kadang kita ditinggalkan, kadang kita meninggalkan, tapi juga kadang datang yang baru, dan bisa jadi yg baru itu juga akan pergi nantinya..

    btw, anak2 choirmu memang udah lengket banged ya? *perangko kale'* aku juga nih, meskipun kadang suka ada yg diperdebatkan [apalagi klo' ada yg suaranya "mengganggu" yglain, hihii] temen2ku ttp kompak, bahkan suka jalan2 bareng. yaa, itung2 mempererat kekompakan nyanyi juga. hihii

    btw, ttp smangat septian! siapa tau kamu akan mendapatkan "sesuatu" yg lebih baik lagi ;)

  • At 1:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Septian..people come and go in life, tapi sahabat sejati yang datangnya dari Tuhan akan tetap tinggal di hati :) Mungkinw aktu untuk bersama2 ga akan sebanyak dulu, tapi care n love itu masih akan tetep ada di sini, di hati ini, ga akan hilang ASAL kita semua mau berusaha untuk me-maintain-nya..So, menangislah jika ingin menangis, tapi kuharap itu tangis bahagia, bahagia karena ini bakal jadi kenangan indah dan pelajaran hidup berharga dari Tuhan buat kita ^^ Cheer up yo!

  • At 2:43 AM, Blogger -ian- said…

    @nieke, thanks kunjungannya, nanti kita nyanyi bareng aja, hehehe

    thanks, inspiring bgt. Nangis yuk...

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Name: -ian-
Home: Nanyang Crescent, Boon Lay, Singapore
About Me: When everything changes, I wanna still stay there calmly, and wait for the right time. I am surrounded by so called "radical" dreams. I don't know whether it is a form of idealism of a youth. But, be a doctor was my dream, but Physics came into me. ITB was my dream, but He gave NTU for me. Currently, I wanna be a high school teacher, researcher, journalist, writer, businessman, also want to study abroad again. It is unclear but it is fair. As far as I can, because I can jump higher as a true worshiper, as a true believer. Let me be a clay oh God, form me as You want.
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