There were eight questions in the paper but we were only answered seven questions. It was manageable because I prepared quite well. Thanks God for the exam just now, at least I could write something and I wasn't confused by the questions.
Well, the exam is over but it is really hard to leave my second year. The life seems to be so fast. What my lecturer said was correct that after exam, sometimes you are so sad not because of the performance on the test but you feel as if the life is so fast and our studying time is limited. As if, we don't study anything.
This exam made me love physics deeper. Now, I know how people love physics actually. I was thinking that someone loves physics because he or she doesn't have anything to do. But, now I know how people enjoy physics because of the real enjoyment inside.
It is very late. It's time to sleep. Labels: Exam |
Wah... gw yang pertama comment nih.
Yup. rebo kemaren gw juga abis ujian. Untung deh bisa jawab semua. :D