From: #SEPTIAN BUDI WALUYAN# Sent: Thu 5/3/2007 4:19 AM To: My Prof Subject: 112
Dear Prof,
Finally the exam is over. Thanks for your help and it works, Sir. I still don't understand why you were willing to help me. Most PAP 112 questions were from tutorial and at least I could write something and -more or less- I know what I write. I know I wasn't perfect in doing that paper. But, your help was meaningful because I could apply what you explained in that paper.
Then, about changing course, I think I will cancel it. Dealing with physics in one year in NTU has made me enjoy in this physics especially after you explain what I didn't understand. And at least, now I believe that physics isn't that diffucult actually if much effort should be put in my process of study. But, even though a bad mark surrounds me in the coming semester ( I will try harder though ), I still insist that I will only do what I like. MAE was just my desperate expression caused by this hard university life.
The next education of physics is always the consideration matter for me in these some days. These all are between applied or pure physics. Actually, I really want to major in pure physics, but I am too afraid to take it because I should still think about my grade, right ? But, I was thinking that applied physics is easier than pure physics. Then, continuing master in Singapore is my consideration, so if I can't reach second upper by taking pure physics, that will be difficult for me to take higher education (with special facility = scholarship ). What do you recommend, Sir ?
Regards, Septian
Then, he replied.
Dear Septian,
There is nothing to understand. Not everything in life is based on selfish motives. I hope things turn out well for you.
Pure Physics requires strong mathematical foundations, while Applied Physics requires you to think of how physics can be used for technology. Both have their difficult points and both will allow you to go for higher studies. In fact Applied Physics also prepares you to enter into an Engineering PhD, such in microelectronics and lasers. You can just select one first and see how things turn out.
Please see me more often next semester so that we can address the difficulties earlier. I would be happy just to see that you learn how to think physics and use the skills later in life.
Have a good break.
Barusan nonton Spiderman 3 di Vivo City, cukup keren juga walaupun ga begitu suka nonton film fiksi. Labels: Physics |
ganbatte ya sept untuk tiga tahun mendatang =) Tuhan yang mampukan -another septian