Sejauh Aku Mampu
Sunday, May 27, 2007
One Year Ago, From Diary

Three hours after the earthquake:
Fortunately, I already got up one minute before the earthquake happened. Then, I realized that my house was shaken. It was so frightening and I was thinking that it was because of the volcanic earthquake of Mt. Merapi. The day was going on like usual for me for some hours. At that time, I wanted to have meeting in my school but on the way just 400 meters from my house, a girl stopped my motor cycle and said that there was flood in Prambanan ( 15 km from my house). The was a rumor that the tsunami happened in Jogja. The main road in Klaten was so crowded and all schools were closed directly because of the chaos on that day. The problem was that my sisters were still at school and my mother couldn’t find her in her school. So, the panic happened in my house. The handphone couldn’t be used and we couldn’t call my sisters. Fortunately, their conditions were okay and finally there was tsunami. We were cheated.

Sabtu pagi, 27 Mei 2006
(Jam 1-an pagi)
Hari-hari berlalu, rabu lalu ketika teman-teman banyak kerja untuk album kelas dan juga banyak yang mulai tidak peduli. Hari itu hari pertama les bahasa inggris di CEC, dengan miss Rini dan Miss Uni, menarik juga. I prepared my English there.
(Jam 9 pagi)
Sabtu ini terjadi gempa yang dahsyat. Menurutku ini adallah gempa vulkanik akibat aktivitas gunung Merapi. Kata Pita di Deles, rumahnya sampai rusak, tetapi dia baik-baik saja karena dia ada di Kwarcab. Katanya juga Merapi meletus dan laharnya ke arah barat daya (sebenarnya tidak juga).
(Jam 10 Pagi)
Ternyata, dugaanku salah, itu adalah gempa tektonik 5.9 skala Richter berpusat di 40 km selatan Yogyakarta. Aku baru saja menelpon Wahyu yang sedang melihat berita di Cilacap sana (waktu itu mati lampu). Dan anehnya, gunung Merapi tidak terpengaruh aktivitasnya. Wow, it’s strange.
(Jam 8 Malam)
Perhaps, we can conclude that it is a panic day. Tidak tahu siapa yang harus disalahkan. Lagi-lagi kita berbicara tentang kultur masyarakat. Penyebar isu bahwa akan ada tsunami pasti akan berteriak berhasil dengan girang. Isu yang membuat semua sekolah memulangkan para siswanya, yang membuat Jalan Pemuda macet total ini adalah isu yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan menimbulkan kepanikan yang luar biasa.
Yang harus kita sedih adalah banyaknya orang meninggal di jalanan Wedi, kata ibuku. Mungkin Wedi yang paling parah. Banyak gedung ambruk yang dijumpai ayah selama perjalanannya. Itu ditambah dengan isu yang tidak bertanggungjawab. Orang Indonesia harus belajar dari Jepang mungkin.

Unfortunately, some of my classmates were the victim of that earthquake. Some of them haven’t built their house properly. One thing that really couldn’t make me sleep is that there were many small earthquakes that disturbed us. Even, one day, there was much information which told that there would be an earthquake in a specific time till all people in my housing complex were gathering outside theirs houses and waited the earthquake happened. I don’t know how they got those predictions. Many of them also slept outside their houses even though nothing happens with their house. They were just scared of the small earthquakes which possibly happened at that time. For me, I couldn’t sleep for three days because I was so afraid. Sometimes, that traumatic event still came to me even though nothing happens actually but for example if there is a little shake, I will definitely stood up and asked what happened. That was what I did here because sometimes I felt the sake because of the bomb near NTU. I mean the bomb that blasts in National Service Area near NTU.

I still remember how the friendship in our class was built and it was clearly seen when we visited our friends’ house and we gave what we cold give, like the daily need, medicine, and other important stuff. But, I hope we can really learn from this. The earthquake is still frightening and I don’t know what to say if that stroke my home and destroyed it. Perhaps, I wouldn’t be in Singapore. Hopefully, I don’t meet this anymore, this was so frightening. But, let it be what it should be. I am sure that God has His own way.


posted by -ian- @ 10:21 PM  
  • At 11:37 PM, Blogger [H][A][R][R][I][S] said…

    It was so hurrable.
    Gw masih bisa ngerasain gempanya.11 teman kampus gw meninggal dunia.


  • At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    waktu gempa beberapa kali di sekitar jakarta juga sempat panik. bahkan bareng temen2 kantor turun buru2 dari lantai 17 saking pingin menyelamatkan diri. semoga pemulihan yogya dan sekitarnya bisa lebih cepat, kasihan sudah setahun masih banyak yg hidup dalam kondisi darurat..

  • At 2:19 PM, Blogger SeeHarrie said…

    Udah setahun ya..gempa di Yogya.
    Sama dong dengan Tragedi Lumpur Lapindo yang udah setahun menyembur tapi masih belum ada solusinya.

  • At 3:10 PM, Blogger Cempluk Story said…

    Semoga kejadian di gempa taun lalu bisa memberikan hikmah kepada masyarakat Indonesia...

  • At 8:10 PM, Blogger Devi Girsang, MD said…

    Hi there!!!

    Sorry just be able to have blog-hopping again :)

    Ah you're having new template, nice!

    Frankly gw sempet bingung kok tiba2 jadi -ian- sih? hahahaha...

    Btw, congrats for your 1st salary yah ;)

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Name: -ian-
Home: Nanyang Crescent, Boon Lay, Singapore
About Me: When everything changes, I wanna still stay there calmly, and wait for the right time. I am surrounded by so called "radical" dreams. I don't know whether it is a form of idealism of a youth. But, be a doctor was my dream, but Physics came into me. ITB was my dream, but He gave NTU for me. Currently, I wanna be a high school teacher, researcher, journalist, writer, businessman, also want to study abroad again. It is unclear but it is fair. As far as I can, because I can jump higher as a true worshiper, as a true believer. Let me be a clay oh God, form me as You want.
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