Sejauh Aku Mampu
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Convocation Dinner Performance


posted by -ian- @ 12:13 PM   4 comments
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Hi all, I am still here. Well, as if I am trying to go out from the world of blogging and I didn't post anything for about one month. The expensive internet connection was the main reason. So, I am back. These are some photos from Malaysia, that was my first trip to go there. Overall, Malaysia is good but not the best. I think Jakarta is better than KL. But, overall, the management of tourism in Malaysia is better than Indonesia, at least for now (even though Indonesia's tourism places are the best in the world (bias adjudication), the management that was operated by Malaysia is better, including the promotion).

Genting is my favourite places. The photo above was about the road to the theme park. The nice place to visit is the cable car which is the longest and the fastest in South East Asia.

Okay, I think that Genting Highland is the place that all of you should visit. At least we can learn how to be a good entrepreneur in building the area in such a way so it can be used for a tourism place.

This is what I regret. I couldn't go to the Petronas Tower. We didn't know that it was closed on Monday. I was so sad. But, I was proud that finally I could see that building nearby.


posted by -ian- @ 1:58 AM   1 comments
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Setelah otak saya sedikit membusuk gara-gara tidak pernah digunakan 2 bulan ini, akhirnya saya kembali ke kampus ku yang sedikit menakutkan ini. Tidak tahu manakah yang disebut normal life, karena saya tidak bisa mengatakan saya sudah back to normal life. Otak ini masih bertengkar manakah normal life itu, di sini atau di kampung halaman saya sana.

Kemaren berangkat dari Solo jam 4 sore, pesawat sempat delay 10 menit gara2 pesawatnya telat dateng dari Singapore, kayaknya cuacanya buruk dari sini. Sekarang udah di Singapore dan tanpa terasa harus kembali ke rutinitas yang kayaknya ga banget deh, masih pengen di Indonesia, lagipula belum dapet kamar di sini dan masih numpang di kamar temen. Masih shock dengan kehidupan di sini, masih kangen ortu dan masih ga enak aja di sini. Belum menemukan kembali semangat-semangat yang dulu masih ada.


posted by -ian- @ 3:48 PM   3 comments
It is about what I face and the circumstances which I encounter.
About Me

Name: -ian-
Home: Nanyang Crescent, Boon Lay, Singapore
About Me: When everything changes, I wanna still stay there calmly, and wait for the right time. I am surrounded by so called "radical" dreams. I don't know whether it is a form of idealism of a youth. But, be a doctor was my dream, but Physics came into me. ITB was my dream, but He gave NTU for me. Currently, I wanna be a high school teacher, researcher, journalist, writer, businessman, also want to study abroad again. It is unclear but it is fair. As far as I can, because I can jump higher as a true worshiper, as a true believer. Let me be a clay oh God, form me as You want.
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